Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's 6:14 am Sunday morning and I am all Sprung Out!

Not what you think folks been up all night with my head down in a Spring Frameworks manual deciphering the ins and out of Web Services design choices.

Warning geek talk below!

 Do I implement a regular WSDL based service or RESTFUL? I think I will do both. Develop an implementation base upon both and use it as a learning opportunity, how else can I comment on the merits one versus the other unless I have actually coded both!

I must I say how much I love open source software. I love the fact that I can stand on the shoulders of giants and use their great works to help jump start my own ideas. I can remember a time when being an independent single one man development team would have been extremely hard, time consuming and expensive to do. For instance there is no way a such a comprehensive and full featured software tool like the java Spring Framework would have been affordable and available to me 20 years ago. And no way I could have afforded such a great IDE as Eclipse  I remember using some of the earlier java IDE's like Borland's JBuilder, NetBeans and such. They were good but weren't cheap and at the time not near as feature rich as Eclipse. So I value the time and work folks have put into these efforts and I pledge to give back to the open source community whatever I end up developing in this effort of mine. Hopefully it will be something useful to somebody. Don't get me wrong I ain't no socialist or nothing I am a capitalist! I just also believe in reaching back and helping the little guy. Sometimes the big guys forget what it was like to be a garage based business or entrepreneur trying to create something that might change the world. Of course I don't expect I am doing anything that important but I want to contribute something of my own and do it in my own way.

Google is one of the big companies that is doing it right, tons of tools and services priced free or very affordable you can see that Sergey and Larry remember what it was like in the beginning. Microsoft has come around and they are now better at making development tools accessible to all types of developers not just big corporations.

Well enough on this topic back to work you bag of lazy bones.

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